
Pandas-TD supports several messaging services to get you notified when your queued jobs are completed.

HipChat Notifications

HipChat Send Notification Token

  1. Go to your HipChat group admin page (https://<GROUP>
  2. Choose “Rooms” and select your favorite room.
  3. Copy “API ID” in “Summary” tab.
  4. Select “Tokens” tab and create a new token with “Send Notification” scope.

Configure HipChat Notification

Define the following environment variables:

# Your email address
export TD_USER=""

# Enable HipChat Notifier
export TD_NOTIFIER_CLASS="pandas_td.drivers.hipchat.HipChatNotifier"

# Room ID (API ID)
export TD_HIPCHAT_ROOM_ID="12345678"

# Send Notification token
export TD_HIPCHAT_TOKEN="ubyr..."

# (optional) Users to be notified
export TD_HIPCHAT_TARGETS="@me, @td-users"

Slack Notifications

Slack Incoming WebHooks

  1. Run Slack app and open your favorite channel.
  2. Choose “Add a service integration…” from channel’s menu.
  3. Find “Incoming WebHooks”, select a channel, and press “Add Incoming WebHooks Integration”.
  4. Copy “Webhook URL”.

Configure Slack Notification

Define the following environment variables:

# Your email address
export TD_USER=""

# Enable Slack Notifier
export TD_NOTIFIER_CLASS="pandas_td.drivers.slack.SlackNotifier"

# Webhook URL

# (optional) Users or groups to be notified
export TD_SLACK_TARGETS="@me, @td-users"