Job Queues


This feature is in early development stage and not ready for production.

“Job Queue” is a convenient tool to run queries in background. You can keep working on your interactive session while running one or more long-running queries asynchronously. You will get notified by HipChat or Slack as soon as your queries have completed (Notifications).

Submitting Queries

import pandas_td as td

# Create a queue with name (used for notifications)
q1 = td.create_queue(name='q1')

# Create a query engine as usual
engine = td.create_engine('hive:sample_datasets')

# Run query in the queue
t1 = q1.submit_query('SELECT ... FROM www_access', engine)

# Query result can be retrieved later as DataFrame
df = t1.result()

Magic Functions

In [1]: %%td_hive sample_datasets -a q1
   ...: select count(1) cnt from www_access
Queued as q1[0]

In [2]: q1[0].result()
0  5000

A convenient way to retrieve the result is to use -o along with -a:

In [3]: %%td_hive sample_datasets -a q1 -o df1
   ...: select count(1) cnt from www_access
Queued as q1[1]

In [4]: df1  # the value will be stored when your job has finished
0  5000